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Do I have to make my whole house smart?

No, you don’t have to make your whole house smart. You should weigh your options and decide whether to invest in standalone smart gadgets or a full-scale home automation network. Some people prefer the former, either because they’re new to smart home technology or desire connectivity for only one or two home functions.

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Simple Home Automation Setups

If the simpler option sounds like the right path for you, think about where to make your smart investments. Some homeowners prioritize cost savings, prompting them to purchase smart thermostats and lighting controls. Others care about safety and security, so they focus on cameras, doorbells, and locks.

Maybe you care about flexibility and convenience. That need could translate to smart switches and connected appliances. Such home automation products let you know when the household needs more milk or can turn off a porch light accidentally left on.

Built-Out Home Automation Setups

Some home automation adopters go whole hog. They want a fully automated solution. If that sounds like you, there are dozens of home automation solutions you can choose from: access control and security elements, appliances, climate control devices, energy management tools, entertainment technology, lighting controls, and more.

Even if you want a fully smart home, you don’t have to purchase every smart home gadget in one fell swoop. You can stage the purchases so that you stay within budget. Working in stages presents another benefit: it helps you acclimate to smart home technology and prioritize future purchases. For example, you might think the next purchase after smart thermostats and lightbulbs will be smart speakers, but you discover the next best expenditure relates more to energy management devices like smart switches and strips.

Common Elements of All Smart Home Setups

Whichever model you opt to go with, remember to choose your devices carefully—not all devices are compatible, so you should verify that the pieces you’re interested in can actually work together.

Depending on how many home automation products you install in the home, you may consider purchasing a home automation system like Amazon Echo. These tend to be good investments since they coordinate with a number of smart home gadgets. For you, the capability translates into easier day-to-day management and upkeep.

Start your journey into the smart home with our helpful guides and resources today.

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