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How long does it take to install smart home technology?

The time it takes to install smart home technology depends entirely on what you’re installing and how many devices you’re working with. Generally, though, it shouldn’t take more than a few hours to install a couple new gadgets, except in certain complicated situations.

person installing door lock

Installation Time Depends on the Device

A set of smart lightbulbs should take only a few minutes to set up—you just unscrew the old lightbulbs, plug in the new ones, and connect to the smart lighting app. Once you confirm your initial settings, you’re more or less good to go.

Other smart home technologies, like smart thermostats, could take more time. Smart thermostats require disconnecting and reconnecting some wires. You can perform the work, but you should be moderately comfortable with wiring to tackle it yourself. The other option is working with a professional installer, which ensures the work gets done right—and fast—the first time.

Smart speakers may or may not take a lot of time to install. The timeframe depends on the type of speakers and how many. Built-in wall and ceiling speakers, for example, will likely involve a lot of work with your home’s wiring. Again, you can do the work yourself, but many homeowners prefer to work with a professional installation service.

Placement Can Be as Tricky as Installation

Besides the wiring and cable aspects, you may need to spend time scouting out ideal locations for your smart home technology. We recommend completing this step prior to purchasing smart home devices such as smart speakers. We also suggest using a quality stud finder to identify good wall mounting locations and to avoid objects like water pipes and other home wiring.

You can always spread out the setup and installation of your smart home device across a weekend. And, as a plus, installing the technology should never take as long as a kitchen or bathroom remodel.

You can enjoy the convenience and comfort of your smart home technology as soon as you turn the power back on and connect to either the app or home automation system.

If you’re ready to embrace home automation, check out our Home Automation Starter Guide today.

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